My alma mater: A visit after 27 years.

My alma mater: A visit after 27 years.

It’s been nearly three decades since I last set foot on the grounds of the University of Utah. When I graduated in 1993, I left and never looked back. Three decades later, I decided to pay the campus a visit on a recent trip.

Trademark Application Invoice Scam

Trademark Application Invoice Scam

A few days ago, I received the following invoice in the mail requesting payment for a pending trademark application. Just an invoice, nothing more.

CD Cover Art

CD Cover Art

A couple months ago, I was out in the neighborhood late one evening and decided to swing by a local bar for a drink.

Dealing With Rejection (as an illustrator)

Dealing With Rejection (as an illustrator)

It’s inevitable. Eventually, a client will approve concept sketches and give you the go ahead to proceed with the finished illustration only to reject the final piece.

Rejection is part of the business of illustration.

2019 Application Protection Report Cover Art

2019 Application Protection Report Cover Art

For the 2019 Application Report, my task was to create a visual that described the underlying complexity of web applications—I.E. what users don’t see.

Both of the following concepts represent an attempt to visually portray the complexity behind one of the simplest and most common events that happens trillions of times every day, if not, every hour: logging into a web site with your username and password.

Complexity V2

Complexity V1

Complexity V1



Malicious code being injected into an app.

Three Years Illustrating With The iPad Pro

Three Years Illustrating With The iPad Pro

For the past three years, I’ve used the first and second generation iPad Pro exclusively to create the vast majority of my client and personal illustration work. As a result, I have a handful of opinions about working with this device.

My first professional job

My first professional job

Some people get lucky and begin their illustration careers with immediate success... I wasn’t so lucky.

Don't underestimate the importance of process

Once you establish a baseline of steps that work for you, the mechanism in your brain that tells you “I need to do this, then this, then this… in order to achieve this” will begin to function like a perpetual engine—this is your process.

How-To: Teen Attacker Triptych

How-To: Teen Attacker Triptych

I think it’s safe to say that you will have some semblance of a layout rattling around in your head prior to picking up a pencil. Even if that vision is hazy, hashing out the main characters first will aid you in nailing down the layout. Sometimes the brain-to-paper translation isn’t as clear as you’d like.

How-To: Jasmine

How-To: Jasmine

Process and patience are the two most important components in realistic drawing—not your tools. When you find the perfect balance, your best friend’s personality will begin oozing off the page long before you’ve finished the drawing … as well as every ounce of heart you put into it.